Bring your products to market as quickly as possible whilst keeping costs to a minimum. 7STARS offers the following important services pertinent to type approval:

Product Assessment & Approval Procedure
Every application starts with proper, professional consulting. Since homologation requirements for each country vary, we will check with you on the product and the country to export to, let you know the precise information to get ready and the lead time for approval accordingly.

Localization Service
This is a value-added service, in which we provide the translation service into native language for your product/user manual, labels, product specifications etc.

Handling Test Laboratory
It is inevitable to get a test report from a locally approved test lab for your export product, which we can readily do for you.

Preparation of Technical & Application Dossier
We will fill in all forms for you in native language, and you need only to check and sign them for submission. We will also inform you about extra data, if any, or any missing data that you need to replenish.

Factory Audit & Inspection Service
In certain type approval wherein a factory audit and inspection is needed, we will get it arranged on your behalf. All we want is to give you a hassle-free one-stop service.

Local Representative Service
Each country requires a local representative to be the certificate holder for the product. If you do not have a branch or office in the export country, we will arrange for a neutral party in that country to act as your local representative.

International Equipment Type Approval Service
It is to your advantage if you can enter a few countries in a region simultaneously, e.g. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines in Southeast Asia, or a few countries in Western Europe. With our extensive worldwide network, we are more than happy to accommodate and achieve your wish!

Project Management
We will update you on your application with a weekly status report to give you peace of mind.